Die 2025 Reisigers Gids is amper hier!

Yet another successful Alfred County Rally at Marlon Holiday Resort held
over the weekend 2015/11/1 November. The weather was good for most of the weekend and because of this a number of caravans arrived on Wednesday. Taking up the Marlon Resort Special to all caravan and camping clubs of pay for 3 nights and stay for 4. Friday evening the folks settle dawn at the Lapa for fish and chips and to watch The Springboks play there last game. Saturday was a beautiful hot day with the caravaners keeping themselves busy. All were to gather once again at the Lapa Late afternoon. Louis and Marilyn Mante, the rally Marshals, for the weekend set too preparing a most delicious chicken potjie (It was the very best one I've ever had) the evening continued in a joyous mood! Once again Marlon Holiday Resort was very proud and privileged to host This Alfred County rally.